Meeting Minutes

July 2022 Meeting Minutes



Thursday July 21, 2022

7:30-8:30 PM



President: Theresa Hartmann 

Vice President: Joanne Pearson

Secretary: Rebecca Wallace

Treasurer: Darren Christensen

Membership Chair: Cecilia Huisman

Communications:  Melisa Sweet 


ABSENT Scholarship: Mandy Coates




  • Website updated with bio from Melisa (Thank you Rebecca and Melisa!) Cecilia’s bio will be added once she moves officially into the Treasurer role.
  • IYNAUS Meeting with Regions on Sunday 7/24/22 (Theresa is attending.  All of our board is welcome). 
  • August Meeting and Social on Saturday August 13th at Blue Spruce Yoga. Need to confirm time. The plan is to have a PotLuck, meet and greet, t-shirt distribution and more. Should we each introduce ourselves, state our role and what we do… and why we benefit from serving our community as IMIYA Board Members…  (15 min total, then stimulate questions from others…). More information/details will be provided by Mandy. Melisa and Mandy will work together on details and send an invitation via email to members. Melisa will also broadcast via Instagram.
  • From Joanne’s summary of SWATI’s Workshop
  1. Great to be in community with others – Swati brought Iyengar and Iyengar Yoga to life!
  2. Excellent workshop
  3. Several Board members (Joanne, Mandy, Melisa, Cecilia) and IMIYA Friends present. Rebecca attended online.



  • Any ideas to share? 
  • New committee/application/approach for next round of applicants – Once scholarships are awarded would it be possible to follow up and ask recipients permission to be identified. The purpose would be to promote and encourage others to apply when scholarships are  available. 
  • T-shirt distribution 


         2) MEMBERSHIP (TBD: Theresa)

  • Continuing Education: Events/News ahead
  • Next Conference Date
  • Teacher Certification updates 



3)TREASURER (Darren)

  • The board voted unanimously to elect Cecelia as the new Treasurer.
  • Cecilia will continue the training for the this position. She and Darren plan 1 to 2 more meetings.
  • Monthly financial record – Is there information to share?
  • Theresa will check with the bank regarding charges to add someone to the account.
  • Tax info/address will need to be updated
  • Darren will also migrate the DNS record before he transitions off the board.
  • Theresa shared the information that IYNAUS will be sending member dues Quarterly vs Monthly. Darren thinks this is good. This led to a discussion as to how we know when members join. The board would like to send a welcome letter to members. Theresa said she could draft something and in the welcome message include the opportunity to volunteer. 




             4)YOGA AND EQUITY (Joanne)

                                   LGBTQ was changed to LGBTQIA on the IYNAUS website following a request.                         



              5)WEBSITE (Rebecca)

  • Ideas for working with marketing 
  • What shall we work on Posting : Swati and Abijata workshops are completed.   Abijata-Theresa purchased and will attend recordings online.



              6) COMMUNICATION (Melisa)

  • Instagram with Melisa, Has anyone practiced responding? During tonight’s meeting Melisa sent “how to” regarding Instagram. 
  • Melisa expressed interest in the IYNAUS board position. Currently IMIYA does not have a member serving on this board. 


                 8) OTHER

  • Any news to share regarding Iyengar Yoga locally : ie: studios open or closed for COVID uptick. Example: Yoga Shala is closed for the month of August and reopening in September after hiatus/newly creative.
  • Big Thank You to Mandy for her article submission to Samachar. Maybe she can invite other members to write articles during the August 13th meeting.



Mission Statement: “The Intermountain BKS Iyengar Yoga Association is committed to serve the Iyengar yoga community, by offering both educational and financial resources to current Iyengar yoga teachers, Iyengar yoga students and the wider yoga community.”


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