Thursday September 15, 2022
7:30-8:30 PM
President: Theresa Hartmann
Vice President: Joanne Pearson
Secretary: Rebecca Wallace
Treasurer: Cecilia Huisman (New)
Membership Chair: TBD
Communications: Melisa Sweet
ABSENT: Darren Christensen (Outgoing Treasurer), Scholarship: Mandy Coates
- Update on IYNAUS Regional IMIYA Representative- Theresa was asked by IYNAUS to serve in this capacity, however she respectfully declined. Often people hesitate to serve on regional boards or national boards because they fear they can never get off. IMIYA board is 2 yr term, the national board has been 4 yrs. They are rethinking the length of terms. Avery from New Mexico has shown interest in serving as IMIYA’s Regional rep. Theresa will speak to her soon.
- Update on IMIYA Membership Chair Possibility – Theresa spoke to Suki who has interest in this position. The board agreed to have Theresa invite her as a guest to the October meeting. The board needs to provide some guidelines and a description for this position. Rebecca will ask Mandy since she served in this position previously.
- Update provided from Social- 40 people attended, tee shirts distributed, plenty of food brought by all that came, Sawyer W and John S provided poetry and music which made the gathering unique and special.
- New committee/application/approach for next round of applicants- need tracking of use of money from scholarship recipients
2) MEMBERSHIP (Theresa till filled)
- Regional Meeting (Held Tuesday 9/13/22) Summary – Many regional boards are still struggling and those who are active in their region feel overwhelmed as few are doing a lot of work. Theresa pointed out how fluid our board continues to be and how well we work together.
- Positive Call Tuesday regarding new candidate for Chair – Suki is a L2 speaker originally from Korea. She is a CIYT and lives in Denver. She attended the August social gathering.
- Invite new candidate to October meeting – Board approved and Theresa will invite her.
3)TREASURER (Cecilia and Darren)
- WELCOME CECILIA- Cecilia Huisman has been voted the Key Executer/Treasurer. Darren Christensen has completed his term.
- Aspen Wells Fargo Paperwork almost complete – just a few more board member signatures are needed and Cecilia will be on the account and Darren released.
- Updated Statement that aligns with IYNAUS Equity training – This item needs further discussion. Joanne will assist with this idea for IMIYA to update our website statement.
- Yoga Equity and Board Diversification efforts – having Suki on the board would add diversity to IMIYA board, board discussed various ways to help communicate with her (video vs phone call)
5)WEBSITE (Rebecca)
- Shall we post/make available new member letter? Template available from IYASE… IMIYA member request at Social in August (I will respond)
- Is Samachar enough due to readability or time constraints – Melissa S will write the next quarterly Samachar submission.
- Upcoming Quarterly Regional Meetings via Basecamp- Theresa attended online
- New IYNAUS Regional Director for IMIYA : Shall we post on INSTAGRAM Candidate interested. “BE OUR VOTE”
- Instagram update…- Melisa plans to rethink best approach
- VILMA’s Workshop on Trauma starts tomorrow! IYANW…
- Take down or keep up Yoga Equity Library / vote
- Any HIGH DREAMS for IMIYA’s next six months
- Calendar set for Board Meetings Oct-December. Revisit Calendar in January, discuss as board day/time of meetings, Next meetings are: Thursday, October 20th, Thursday, November 17th and Thursday, December 15th. All meetings will be 7:30pm – 8:30pm.
- Share: How is everything going balancing board work and home life? Can we help each other?
- Negative declarations vs Constructive reflection
- Do we want to add to our mission statement as our board diversifies further?
Mission Statement: “The Intermountain BKS Iyengar Yoga Association is committed to serve the Iyengar yoga community, by offering both educational and financial resources to current Iyengar yoga teachers, Iyengar yoga students and the wider yoga community.”